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Maryland Workers Compensation and Personal Injury Attorney
For a free consultation call workers compensation and personal injury attorney Andrew M. Rodabaugh now at Call Us, Click to email or Fill out the Form below!
Regardless of your occupation you may vary well come across an insurance company or employer that is not willing to provide you the benefits to which you are entitled. Often times health insurance will not authorize treatment so you are forced to use workers’ compensation insurance, or in the event of an automobile accident you may be left without any insurance to fall back on.
Problems arise when dealing with work injuries often because workers compensation insurer will not authorize treatment and you are forced to endure pain for an unacceptable period of time. Often times the injured is forced to wait months before any treatment is obtained. With his years of experience Mr. Rodabaugh has learned that each circumstance is unique and that is why he approaches each and every case with a different plan of action in mind. Sometimes there is no choice but to take immediate action in court, file sanctions, request penalties. Other times a single phone call from Mr. Rodabaugh and a thank you to the adjuster will do the trick.
When dealing with personal injury claims simply obtaining the needed treatment can be complicated by the inadequate coverage of health insurance. Co-pays quickly build up and medical treatment is expensive. Mr. Rodabaugh can help get personal injury victims the treatment they need at a reduced cost to them.
Mr. Rodabaugh provides personalized and custom representation to suite every clients needs. He is not the ordinary attorney. He worked in construction for the better part of a decade and understands what the workers go through. Your not just a number when you are represented here. Whether you want to fight hard at every corner or just obtain that which you are legally entitled Mr Rodabaugh is available to help!
Andrew has an excellent support staff that goes
above and beyond to make sure his clients are well
taken care of and no question goes unanswered.
Andrew M. Rodabaugh Esquire.
9505 Reisterstown Rd., Suite 1 North, Owings Mills, MD 21117
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Andrew M. Rodabaugh Maryland workers compensation attorney is pleased to communicate with you concerning legal matters. However if you communicate with us through this website regarding a matter for which our firm Does Not Already Represent You, your communication may Not be treated as privileged or confidential, and shall Not be deemed to create an attorney/client relationship. Furthermore, you should not provide confidential information to anyone at our law firm in an email inquiry or otherwise unless we have First entered into a representation agreement.
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Andrew M. Rodabaug, Maryland workers compensation attorney and personal injury attorney does not provide legal advise through this website on any of its pages or posts. The information contained therein is for informational purposes only. For legal advise Workers compensation attorney must be consulted in person.
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