

Maryland County Employees workers compensation

Workers Compensation Attorney Andrew M. Rodabaugh has represented injured employees in almost every County in Maryland!

Whether you work on the Eastern Shore or Western side of Maryland you are entitled to workers compensation benefits if you are injured on the job.  This holds true for both private company employees and those employed in the public sector.  Both Maryland state employees and county employees of each of the twenty four counties in Maryland are entitled to the same benefits under Maryland workers compensation laws that any private company may benefit from.

THIS WEBSITE IS THE PRODUCT OF A WORKERS COMPENSATION ATTORNEY AND IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURER.  FURTHER IT IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE STATE OF MARYLAND NOR ANY GOVERNMENT ENTITY WITHIN THE STATE OF MARYLAND.  Information contained herein is provided for informational purposes and expresses opinions and information best known at the time it was written.  This information and does not create an attorney to client representation.

County Workers Compensation Attorney Andrew M. Rodabaugh can help!      No fee unless money is recovered!

Call Us, Click to email  or Fill out the Form below!

What type of Maryland state or County occupations are covered under workers compensation?

If you are a state of Maryland employee or a county employee in Maryland chances are you are entitled to workers compensation benefits if you are injured on the job.  It is best to contact a Maryland  workers compensation attorney to determine if as a County employee you are covered.  There are various public sector occupations that would fall within the purview of workers compensation if an injury arises while performing those occupations.  Maryland County employee workers compensation attorney Andrew Rodabaugh has represented employees of Public schools such as:

the University of Maryland,

Prince Georges County public school teachers,

Baltimore County Public School teachers,

Baltimore County Food and Nutrition employees,

Montgomery County teachers aids,

Harford County Schools maintenance employees, 

Carroll County Public Schools administrators,

Baltimore City Public School Principals,

and other public school employees.

Outside of the Public School system other public sector employees are often hurt on the job and require the assistance of a Maryland County workers compensation attorney.  This may include those in the public safety sector such as:

Baltimore County Police Officers, 

Howard County Sheriffs,

Cecil County EMT’s,

Cecil County paramedics,

Anne Arundel County  Fireman,

And any other public safety personnel employed by the various Maryland Counties.  It is important not to forget about all the other public employees that work for the various County governments as well as Maryland State Government.  Each county will have various departments, most employees of which are covered under Maryland workers compensation laws.  Public works (maintenance), Budget and Finance, The Court systems, Social Services, Recreation and Parks, Arts and Sciences, Social Services, Workforce Development are all County Departments containing employees that would be covered under workers compensation if they are injured while working.  


How do County employees and Maryland state employees get help with obtaining workers compensation benefits?

     If a county employee is injured on the job it would be expected that they would be offered immediate assistance with obtaining medical treatment and any lost wages that they have to endure because of the inability to work.  In reality this does not always happen and injured workers are left with no resort but to contact a workers compensation attorney in their area.  Any licensed attorney in the County or state of Maryland can help an injured worker however it is best for the injured county employee or state employee to seek an attorney familiar with workers compensation and how workers compensation claims are filed in their County.  Each county department and government may respond differently to County employees filing a workers compensation claim.

    Injured county employees may be met with resistance from their employer immediately after the accident or they may be treated with the highest regard throughout the entire workers compensation process.  Most often the way an employer responds falls somewhere in between complete hostility or complete understanding.  At some point most employers and/or their workers compensation insurance carrier will begin fighting the case.  They may deny workers comp medical treatment, deny workers comp mri , deny workers comp xrays , deny workers comp lost wages or deny workers comp payments.

IT IS AT THIS POINT the injured worker really needs to reach out to a workers compensation attorney familiar with Maryland state employees and County employees hurt on the job.  


County Workers Compensation Attorney Andrew M. Rodabaugh can help!      No fee unless money is recovered!

Call Us, Click to email  or Fill out the Form below!


What workers compensation benefits are available to Maryland state employees and County employees?

County employees and Maryland state employees who have been injured on the job and are “out on workers comp” are entitled to the benefits to which private sector employees are entitled.  The workers compensation benefits bestowed to private employees, county employees, and Maryland state employees are entirely the same with some exceptions for public safety employees such as police officersBenefits available include those that are medical in nature, and those that are compensatory in nature.

Medical Benefits available for Maryland County employees and Maryland state employees include:

-Payment of medical bills as long as the medical treatment is reasonable, necessary, and causally related to the work injury.  This may include payment for diagnostic tests such as x-rays, mri’s, ct scans, emg/nerve conduction tests, and more.  Physical therapy, medications, surgeries, splints and casts, canes, walkers, wheelchairs other expenses would be covered.

-Payment for Vocational Rehabilitation services is also covered in some circumstances.  This is a program involving a job counselor who assists the injured county employee or state employee find work within their physical capabilities and for a wage that is close to their previously paid wage as possible.  The new job must be considered gainful employment for the injured Maryland state or County employee who was hurt on the job.  

Compensatory benefits available for Maryland County employees and Maryland state employees include:

– Lost wage payments while the injured employee is held out of work by the physician.  These are referred to as temporary total disability (TTD) benefits in workers comp.  One significant difference between private employees receiving lost wage benefits and Maryland state employee and County employees receiving lost wage benefits is that the public employees will often receive full salary for a period of time while out of work and at some point be transitioned to receiving TTD payments.  All employers can decide to pay full salary in lieu of TTD and County and State employers often do so.  TTD, temporary total disability benefits are paid at a rate of 2/3 of the employees average weekly wage.  If an employee makes $600 in gross payment a week they would be entitled to $400 in TTD payments.

There is another form of lost wage payment called temporary partial disability (TPD).  This is paid to an employee who is only able to work limited hours and therefor is enduring a reduced paycheck.  TPD is paid at the rate of 50% of the difference of the average weekly wage and the wage the employee is earning on light duty. 

– Maryland state employees on workers comp and Maryland County employees on workers comp are entitled to receive an award of compensation for any permanent problems they have as a result of the work accident.  When the employee is discharged from care they may seek payment of permanent partial disability.  Despite the name, these payments are not permanent and only last for a set period of time determined at the time of the Workers Compensation Commission hearing.

– A third form of indemnity paid to Maryland state employees and County Employees is paid at the same rate as TTD but is paid to the injured worker while they are in Vocational Rehabilitation.


If you have been injured on the job  Workers Comp attorney Andrew M. Rodabaugh can help.  No fee unless money is recovered!


Call UsClick to email  or Fill out the Form below!



Mr. Rodabaugh was a professional and courteous attorney who had my best interest in mind when handling my case.  I would highly recommend him to anyone in need of Workers Comp. Counsel.
  • 5 starts!
David B.


Workers Compensation Attorney Andrew M. Rodabaugh represents injured workers throughout all Maryland Counties including the following Counties:  Alleganey County , Anne Arundel County , Baltimore County , Baltimore City , Calvert County , Caroline County , Carroll County , Cecil County , Charles County , Dorchester County , Frederick County , Garrett County , Harford County , Howard County , Kent County , Montgomery County , Prince Georges County , Queen Annes County, St. Marys County , Somerset County , Talbot County , Washington County , Wicomico County , Worcester County .

Maryland workers compensation attorney Andrew M. Rodabaugh and his office offers information about Personal Injury law and Workers’ Compensation for informational purposes only. Nothing contained herein constitutes formal legal advice. If you need the advice of a Maryland workers compensation lawyer, please contact him today. He has offices throughout the state and various convenient meeting locations.  Each and every case needs to be evaluated before legal advice can be provided.  Under no circumstance should the information on this website be considered medical advice. This is an attorney’s website and is not affiliated with any government agency or government entity of any kind.
We are pleased to communicate with you concerning legal matters.  However if you communicate with us through this website regarding a matter for which our firm DOES NOT ALREADY REPRESENT YOU, your communication may NOT be treated as privileged or confidential, and shall not be deemed to create an attorney/client relationship.  Furthermore you should NOT provide confidential information to anyone at our law firm in an email inquire or otherwise unless we have FIRST entered into a representation agreement.  By continuing on to our website you are deemed to have agreed to these terms and conditions.


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